Sashiko Sample

Another sample for my City and Guilds. This is the first attempt at Sashiko.


I found Sarah’s Hand Embroidery Tutorials very useful. It is all very clearly explained and illustrated. The sample came out better than I thought. I will try some more patterns as I have some time off work – good timing as heavy snow is on its way so I might just stay by the fireside!


Spring only exists indoors at the moment! I also finished the Kantha sample and love the ripple effect of the many lines of running stitch.

I am off to look at the other work on Kathys page at Slow Sunday Stitching, why not take a look for yourself and get some inspiration

Kantha Quilting



I spent a little time today adding the quilting lines to the Kantha sample I am making for my City and Guilds portfolio – but only a little time as I have been on a Hen weekend and am a bit tired!. Originally I started with a more complicated design of cats and fish using an old pillow case. It was far too fussy and the cotton so dense it was not enjoyable to sew.


I swopped to this simple design using a piece of old linen trousers which, with its much looser weave, was much easier to sew and quickly built up the embroidery.


It is only two layers of material with no wadding but that is how Kantha is made in West Bengal and Bangladesh mainly by women in rural areas. It can be very simple and was a good way to use old saris and other fabric to make a coverlet. It can also be very decorative and ornate.


Well, I wished I had made it to the art galleries and museums in Cambridge but I seemed to have spent too much time eating and giggling. Another trip is on the cards as I missed the quilt shop too! That’s a first as I usually manage to find one wherever I go but I have been lucky enough to be given a £75 voucher for Franklins for my birthday so that makes up for it.

Think I can finish the Kantha sample tomorrow and then will start on the Sashiko one!

The Endeavourers – Nature

Well I must learn about scheduled posting so that these posts go out at the right time, still better late than never!


The theme is one I have chosen for my City and Guilds assignment too, so I have been thinking a lot about nature recently. I made a slightly ambiguous mini quilt. It could be the Sun, it could be a flower, or an anenome; such strange flower-like animals.


The background fabric was dyed using Procion dyes and the print was made from soft-cut lino. I used slightly thinned acrylic paint for the linocut and used a brush rather than a roller to have better control of the colours.


This close up really shows how much variation there is in the printing.It also shows the variegated thread. I used two; a blue, purple and green one and one of different green hues. Looking at it now a little orange would have been good. Just lately I feel more and more drawn to orange, It was one of my favourite colours as a child and I loved to put it with purple!


The binding is ice-dyed Procion which gives a lovely mottled effect.

Now it’s time for me to see what the other Endeavourers have been creating. If you would like to see for yourself just click HERE