Not Quite Midnight Stitching

I really shouldn’t stay up so late sewing but I have again, at least I didn’t sew a corner in and so no unpicking today.

Dorset feathery hoop

I’ve finished the outlines of the ‘pinecones’ and have started to fill them in. The book ‘Dorset Feather Stitchery’ by Olivia Pass suggests using satin stitch and feather stitch.

It shouldn’t take too much longer to finish this sample and then it will form the from cover of a needlecase.

I think I should take a leaf out of Sock’s book and go to sleep! First though I will take a peek of all the work at Kathy’s Quilts for Slow Sunday Stitching why not take a look yourself

Midnight Stitching

In a word – don’t. This is what happens when you do

Bad Stitching

The annoying thing is, the stitching was ok on the other side but had to be unpicked

Good Stitching right side

So I went to bed and started again in the morning with better results ha ha

Dorset Feather Stitchery worked sample close up

As you can see from the photos below I have been working from a book by Olivia Pass printed in 1957. A group of ladies from a Dorset WI (Womens Institute) had fun reviving simple stitches in a new form that they called Dorset Feather Stitchery.


Mostly they were inspired by the stitching decorating English smocks worn mainly in the Nineteenth century although they were worn as late as WWII in a few cases. Principally worn by male agricultural workers they were a practical and beautiful coverall – I intend to make one myself as I have another lovely old book by Alice Amess called English Smocks with Directions for Making Them. I particularly like one worn by a milk maid from Essex. As I am from Essex and have milked a few cows I think I can wear one!

You can find more about them here

Before that though, I will pop over the Slow Sunday Stitching to see what everyone else has been making, why not see for yourself!